The Redo

The redo shoot with the Albert boys. Little Breccan was in a MUCH better mood. My nephew Isaak had spent the weekend with us and he was on the job. I had asked him to help out with the lighting and maybe to make Breccan smile, since Lucia thinks Isaak is the funniest thing ever. Well in between shooting here and there, and perhaps Pam and I were to busy talking about who had a baby etc. the boys got into a snowball fight, and Isaak, being 2x their size, got the oldest, Caleb, with A SERIOUS fast icy snowball up close to the face. OUCH! Yay. Caleb went home looking like he played hockey with the Portland Pirates. Which he told his mom thought made him look tough so it was ok later. Isaak felt so bad he hung his head and went into the house. Awe. Boy drama. But we got the shots none the less!
Thanks for the Edna & Lucy Donuts Pam :)
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Berg Family

The Berg family photo shoot at Winslow Park, with the little new head of the family, Miss Sarah. Littl Miss Sarah was MUCH happier when she got her red mittens on, which I love in pictures, as much as I love her little blue coat, and little determined face. Erin had a gift card from a YMCA auction from 2 years ago. But I do not let Gift cards expire, because, sometimes good things, take time to make happen.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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Pug Posting

or shall I say Puggle Posting. My week of dog themed postings continues. I got a text from my dear friend Kate Emmerich that her beloved Mona passed away after a Lyme Disease caused kidney failure and the poor pooch passed away in a matter of days. So working on this family shoot, I saw this little series. A puggle. Trying to decide what is going on. Everyone is getting dressed in costumes, while this strange lady who smells like 2 different dogs waits by the door with a big black thing that goes click. Poor puggles can't decide to watch me, or go check on everyone else! Pugs are manic. All or nothing, and completely devoted. Beagles, what do I know of them... well last week dog sitting my friend Marteens beagle I know they are obsessed about chasing things, like my chickens. Which now prefer to reside down the road at my neighbors house, even though the beagle is long gone. Chickens are completely tramuatized.
I personally prefer the snoring of a pug to the chasing scent following craziness of a beagle! 
Yet, this PUGGLE, is pretty darn cute!
Here's to all the doggies of the world that tomorrow they get a piece of turkey skin and sleep happily. :)
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Love for the 4 legged kind

In all seriousness. I get the love we can have for our pets. This picture here of beloved Leo with Carla reminds me of this. Leo is getting on in life and even moving around Wolfe Neck park this summer for our shoot, was not easy for him. Though he loved it, lapping up saltwater and sniffing everything. He kept a close eye on his family the Duponts. Every step he took where his hip strength you could see was waining, I know Carla's heart ached a little bit too. Here is too Leo, and all dogs who give us unconditional faithful love.
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Dog Blog: Dog Portraits of the 4 legged kind

My assistant called me and said hey I googled dog portraits and your name was the first to come up on my google search. I laughed and said really? I don't do any dog portrait web optimization key  word google search stuff. Huh I said. She said "well congrats anyway!" Then later I thought, maybe it is referring to all the portraits I have done of old boyfriends. 

Just kidding ;)
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Grumpy Little Cute Face

So what are you gonna do. Picture taking time, it is like freezing out and the boy did not get his nap and really would rather eat shoe leather than have ANYTHING to do with a camera. This shoot is what I call, grumpy little cute face. I actually like pictures like these, I imagine him at 16, thinking he is all suave and asks to borrow the car, and feel entitled to any and everything. And then mom and dad can pull a picture of the mantle piece and start talking a few stories of how much fun it was when he was FOUR and how he never gave any one any frustration. :) Also in the mix is older brothers dancing and soccer skills, along with my daughter with her best friend Lily partying in my car. Car was trashed post shoot.
I wonder if I will get a call for a reshoot or the pout face will make the Christmas card!!!
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Millie's 5 months shoot

Photographing the new baby sister, Millie last month was a familiar experience, having shot her big sister Bea several times. Certain mannerisms, look in the eye, reminded me of Beatrice. But most captivating were her blue eyes, prettier than diamonds. Beatrice was much more into playing inside with all of Lucia's toys than participating in picture taking, but her Mom had a big fat molasses cookie as leverage. The Freer Girls, 2011, here they are!
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