Headgames Employee Shoot: Lets talk about getting our picture taken

Friday I photographed Catherine for her Headgames employee shot. When she arrived she let me know as MOST people do: "I just want you to know" she said " I am not good at having my picture taken." I hear this ALOT. In fact if someone doesn't say it, it's kind of a red flag. But I think it's worthy of a discussion, so I ask her, what do you think it would take to be someone who takes a good picture? She says she hates all the pictures that her friends take of her to post on fb, that if she was a few years younger and grew up taking pictures of herself to post online all the time she would be better at it. I think this is funny, because yes young kids are all about self promotion. Not like me, back in the day shooting film and waiting a few weeks to get the roll of film back. She then told me she hates the fake smile, I agreed. So I told her, let's look at this as an experience to gain more information about how you photograph. I told her as much as I take pictures I still do this thing with my face when I get my picture taken, I have things to learn too. Me personally, think this new employee, photographs very well, and I knew she would when she arrived. LOVE the blue eye make-up. Who shows up with that adorable face, eye make, cute hair cut and not photograph well.... please ;)


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